Friday, November 04, 2011

Aktivierungs-Video zu #occupyyourmind 11.11.11

Aktivierungs-Video zu #occupyyourmind der r.ëvolution of mind am 11.11.11 in Nürnberg an der Straße der Menschenrechte (Kornmarkt):

Gebt Euren Leuten bescheid, ladet alle Eure FB-Freunde zum Event ein ->

"Änder Dich selbst und die Welt wird sich ändern!"

Monday, October 31, 2011

"die 23 Forderungen zu #occupyyourmind" 11.11.11

In den Medien liest und hört man dieser Tage viel darüber, dass die große, dezentrale, führungslose Bewegung, die unter Labels wie z.B. "Echte Demokratie Jetzt!", "Occupy", "Global Change" oder "United" durch die ganze Welt geht, keine rechten Ziele und klare Vorstellungen hätte.

Natürlich wollen wir nicht für diese Bewegung sprechen, wohl aber möchten wir im Sinne der r.ëvolution of mind ein paar Gedanken loswerden, denn es liegt einiges im Argen, es ist sozusagen "5 vor 2012".

Was die Welt mal bräuchte, um überhaupt in Richtung einer bessere Zukunft blicken zu können oder "die 23 Forderungen zu #occupyyourmind":

- Modernisierung und Umsetzung der Menschenrechte
- Freiheit zur Gruppierung, Versammlung und Vereinigung in allen Formen
- freie Wahl des Wohn-, Arbeits- und Aufenthaltsortes weltweit
- freie Wahl und Entfaltung des spirituellen Weges
- ausreichende Grundversorgung von Geburt an
- ungehinderter Informationsfluss und Wissensaustausch in alle Richtungen
- Emanzipation und Grundrechtsausstattung von Tieren

- Produktion von Waren, Erbringung von Leistungen und Verteilung dieser Güter im Dienste des Menschen und der Welt
- Nutzung von Technologie zum Wohle aller
- Nutzung / Umwandlung von Energie aus effektiven, freien, verträglichen Quellen
- Förderung und ggf. Wiederherstellung von Gesundheit mit zuträglichen Methoden
- Ressourcenschonendes und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften zur Erhaltung der Umwelt und zum Wiederaufbau des ökologischen Gleichgewichts

- öffentlicher, philosophischer Diskurs über die Ausrichtung der Gesellschaft
- Aufforderung am Prozess der Gestaltung mitzuwirken
- Vertretung und Anhörung aller Aspekte zu gleichen Teilen bei Entscheidungen
- basisdemokratische Diskussionen und Entscheidungen über Sachfragen
- Transparenz in den Aktionen der mit der Ausführung, Betreuung und Wahrung betrauten Organe

- Förderung des Wohlergehens, der Bildung, sowie der physischen, psychischen und seelischen Entwicklung eines jeden Menschen auf Basis gleicher Chancen
- Erziehung von Kindern hin zu Freude und Lebensmut, Offenheit und Wahrheitsliebe
- Ästhetische Erziehung des schönen Geistes zur Entfaltung der Kreativität
- Erholung, Erfrischung und Entspannung im gewünschten Maße
- Förderung von Klarheit, Reflektiertheit, Kontemplation und Meditation
- Animation aller Menschen zur Hinwendung zum Ausdruck ihrer Kreatürlichkeit und natürlichen Würde!

Es gilt der Grundsatz der Freiheit für alle in all diesen Punkten, solange keinem anderen Menschen dadurch Schaden oder Leid zugefügt oder er in irgend einer Form be- oder verdrängt wird. Maßstab dabei ist unser kollektiver Verstand und unser individuelles Gefühl als Indikator dieser Prinzipien.

Manche dieser Punkte liegen ganz nah, andere erscheinen uns ganz weit entfernt oder fremd. Sicher ist die Liste nicht vollständig und bedarf weiterer Ausführung und Erläuterung.

Es ist uns bewusst, dass es zur Verwirklichung solcher Ideen eine drastische Veränderung im Bewusstsein der Menschen und der Welt geben muss. Diese wollen wir fördern, unterstützen, begleiten und ermöglichen.

Hilbert von Sturzbach & Steffen Patrick Golser / 2011

Einige Rechte vorbehalten: CC-BY (auch für Zitate)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Empört Euch! by The Royal Machinistas

Here it is - The r.evolution of mind song by Lukki Lion and Son1c.

Thank you very much for this great creative expression of the r.eom spirit!

Empört Euch! by The Royal Machinistas

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Existential fear is a great blocker #5vor2012 #globalchange #ows

As I talk to the people around me about #globalchange and #15o, I could feel that many of them are in a negative vision of our future based on massive existential fear.

As they talk about all the "bad things" happening in our world, especially about the (so called) EURO crisis and the reasons and causes of it, I see a great lack of understanding in their sentiments. They gather their information from mass media and combine them with crude stories about the how the world is and should be. They think that a existence of the world without money (read "gambling-investments driven capitalism") is not possible.

The system we're now living in has done a great job on let us / their people think that we're / they're no able to leave it, as a single oder collectively, without horrible consequences like bankrupt, hunger, death and overall doom which causes the end of our whole universe.

It's true that it might not be easy to shift to another kind of system or consciousness and some who are not willing to open their minds will be left behind, but this is no cause for not trying to change - even if the result might be not that bright as it was expected.

The valley of death we're are all now walking trough is just the end of the old and not the beginning of the new. It's easier to bear this change in my opinion when we open ourself and our minds instead of retreat in our pain and limited world views.

The receipt is to interconnect, interchange and interact which is made possible through the Noosphere we call the internet and the social networking inside. The advantage of these networks is that the grey time-thieving gentlemen, the system-controllers all over the world do not understand how it works and what their meaning is to our society.

They can just stand there with open mouth and parrot phrases they've heard from their kids and trying to transport their old dowdy opinions into it. But every single try of doing this gets more and more ridiculous and plays into the hands of the people who like to change.

Corporates, Governments, Politics, Technology and Science are not per se "evil". But they have to, instead of egomaniacally heading for uncontrolled and unlimited growth or longing for world domination, return to what they've been designed for - to serve the people.

Yes, it's time for a #globalchange, and we have the tools, so let's try to open our minds, overwhelm our old beliefs and dream about a bright future. Everything else will unfold from itself. It's #5vor2012!

"Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

Monday, October 10, 2011

r.eom's "year 2012 project" announces "5 vor 2012" campaign #5vor2012 @y2012p #2012

The „year 2012 project“ of the r.evolution of mind announces "5 vor 2012" (german, might be translated as "the 2011th hour" ;-).
It's a new campaign which trys to monitor and reflect the significant happenings indicating a global change in mankinds consciousness, behaviour or environment.

Find more information at our project site

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Has 2012 just begun? #worldrevolution #europeanrevolution #realdemocraynow

Since several weeks the people at the "boarders of europe" are raging against their governments, due to the massive debt crisis, social injustice and undemocratic decision making, which in real not only covers these countries, but also the center of europe and the whole €-zone.
The people and especially politicians of europe has been applauding to the revolutions in north africa and the middle east this spring, but not expecting that this movement may knock on their doors within a few weeks.
"Indigné Vouz!" (appr. "Be Outraged!") is the call of the movement, following the title of a book written by human rights co-founding Stéphane Hessel. "¡Democracia Real YA!" ("Real Democracy Now!") is the offspring of this indignation in Spain which is currently spreading over europe. Even in Germany many groups are forming and networking to bring this movement to the german streets, too.
There is a manifest coming out of the spanish movement which could be found in several languages on the "official website":
It's a peacful movement, which is not getting tiered of announcing that fact. But especially in greece the people out there on the streets are very angry about the mismanagement done by their gov and the debt crisis which should now be paid by those people due to public savings, tax increase and wage cut at the same time. Hopefully the #europeanrevolution will stay peaceful.
There are also many other aspects of the situation which are discussed all over the internet.
You could find a list of (german) connection points at

My thoughts about all this? I'm torn. Sure I'm happy about that there is a "ruck" going through europe, but I feel that a political or social revolution may be the beginning, even when it's done, but not the end of the line.
We have to change our thinking more deeply than we now can imagine to overcome the borders in our heads. The tools are clear: We have to use our creative power to dream a little bigger. We have to open up our mind - individually and conjointly.

But don't be afraid! We are living in great times of change and are happily a generation who will be able to shape our future consciousness made of our heart, mind and soul.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2012 research update - Gronemeyer/MacLeod, Jenkins, Stray

Unfortunately the 2012 / Maya research scene is not very clever in publishing new data. It's not easy to get involved in the result of latest research or current discussion if you are not an "insider".

But not finding new information on the (mostly poor) websites of "the usual suspects", doesn't mean that there is nothing new of great public interest on those topics. Usually it's evident that contrariwise there is something great going on "behind the curtain".

So in the last few month there was

1. a new paper with the translation of the text on the TORTUGUERO MONUMENT 6 by Sven Gronemeyer and Barbara MacLeod (-> which reveals the corrected "prophecy" for 2012:

"Two days, nine-score days, three Tun,
eight K’atun and three Bak’tun (forward),
it will be completed the thirteenth Bak’tun;
it will be 4 Ajaw, 3 K’ank’in.
it will happen; the witnessing of
the adornments of Bolon Yokte’
in the great investiture."

2. a new paper by John Major Jenkins about the "Astronomy of 2012 and Tortuguero Monument 6" which is about the correlations of the several dates on the monument and the JMJs "dark rift"-theory (-> He also called his "mayanist"-colleagues for a Facebook-discussion (which is also in the PDF above)

3. a new paper by Geoff Stray on "The 13-Baktun era vs. the 20-Baktun era" (->

But don't be afraid! You don't have to read hundreds of pages. You could find short news on those things on Geoff Stray's (poor ;-)) website:

All these works are truly scientific. And the fact that I can't find any publication or discussion on all the big "2012-platforms" about, tells me that all those "2012-hypsters" and "end of the world-prophets" are just uninterested and uninformed and just provide misleading information with no ambition.

But I am very happy to get such valuable information about the latest "state of the art" on the 2012 topic, and I hope you are, too. This is why I'd like to share this.